a four-sided view on just about anything!

30 Something Days Ago, Plus A Decade, Until Now

30 Something Days Ago, Plus A Decade, Until Now
Thirty days ago or few more days than that, I decided to write for July 2014 Blogher NaBloPoMo; I was intrigued by the theme – DECADE –
Because I was convinced that the last decade was one of the roughest 10 years plus some, (it actually started before 2003) that I could have imagined. Therefore, I thought hmmm here’s my chance; before I head into the next decade, I could reflect upon the last 10 years and let go of my baggage.  Perhaps if I join the July NaBloPoMo, I can write and express my feelings of my past, in hopes that once on paper it is expelled out of me – I would see the regrets, and sad years for what they were worth.  
Well 30 days into this and truth is, I don’t think I fully reached the cathartic state that I wanted to. Because the truth is, I wrote 22 posts of what I know now…I shared some of my poems and let you all in for a glimpse of my life now.  I wrote about one of my proudest things I did, and let you all know about a life-changing event.  I might have peppered in my fears, worries, and regrets but that’s all they were a tiny pinch reminding me to pay attention.
I found that tonight on Pinterest.  I love it when I receive gifts like that.   I think in the last week I started feeling what the  sign is saying…I think I know who I am,  I know what I  want,  and I know that I am strong.   But more importantly I know that all is right because,  10 years ago I set out to do one thing, and one thing only –  It was achieved –  I became a mom.
Lastly, no one knows what the future holds and that is with good reason. Because if we did, we would lose a connection with the only one you could rely on, yourself.   


6 thoughts on “30 Something Days Ago, Plus A Decade, Until Now”

  • The other day, my oldest asked me what the most difficult part of high school was for me. It was the first time I really gave him a glimpse into the things I went through. High school was my wonderful, fun, happy place. Home is where the difficulty was. We all go through difficulties we would never choose, yet without them, where would we be?
    "Decade" was a great prompt for the month. Your reasons for doing it are admirable. Funny how our intentions don't always work as planned, but we still come out of the experience with a new insight.

  • Great post!
    We are who we are today because of all those little bumps in the road. 🙂
    That is how our character is build.
    Xo Marissa

  • Thank you- isn't it weird and wonderful when you know that it worked out somehow it works out…my friend always says this to me…"you make plans and God always laughs! Here is to our high-school years, to all the years that helped us grow and keep growing. 🙂

  • omg.
    i fixed a cup of coffee. tried to read this month of posts before… was interrupted. and i didn't want to read it that way.
    have just been able to read them all non~stop. i had to MAKE myself not comment on each one! LOLOL.
    you know me.
    i have cried. and laughed. and been moved. and had my mouth hanging open at … 'the kiss' !!!
    good lord! a best seller waiting to happen right there! 😀
    i love the quote above in this post. it is true. and perfect.
    i had many things to unlearn. i'm still unlearning them. and still discovering… strengths… depths… and looking forward to even more adventures.
    my love to you darling girl. i'm privileged to know you.

  • oh Tammy Thank you for your kind words, for taking the time to read all my post and enjoying them …yes the kiss was written many years ago – when I wanted to post it hubby didn't think it was a good idea . I told him there's no censorship in my world hahahahaha – glad you visit please take care xoxo <3

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