a four-sided view on just about anything!


I don’t remember too much of 2001.
I can’t say it was terrible year, nor was it a good year either; sometime during that year I developed symptoms that indicated that I was sick.  The test showed I needed surgery.  This sickness took a life of its own and all my attention was focused on getting healthy.  I did not focus on the news, world affairs or on politics that year; were there clues that we or I did not see?
The surgery was scheduled near the end of August, which was followed by a two-week recovery at home, until I was well again.
I went back to work on 9/10/2001, it was a normal September – crisp mornings, warm afternoons, and blue skies. I remember thinking to myself while driving to work on 9/11 how blue the sky was, not a cloud anywhere. 
I was at my desk when we heard the news, I was among co-workers, but we couldn’t figure out what was happening, – I was still at work, when my husband called me cursing and crying at the other end of the phone, telling me that the  buildings were falling… “Wait the buildings are falling …everyone got out right?”
The drive home was strange, traffic moving steadily; not many cars were on the road yet, the few of us that were driving home, all had the same look on our faces – we were numb; we were attacked and all I wanted to do was get home.
What followed in the days after was a silence- a quiet among people – I contacted everyone I knew that worked in Manhattan; everyone was safe.  We lit candles and held vigils, we watched the news, and went to work. We went out to dinner and I watched everyone at their tables talk between themselves, quietly motioning with their hands, reliving the attacks. 
New Yorkers were devastated, the country was distressed, and I remember, other countries were shocked. We rallied and waved our flags-we supported our heroes and collected items for our first responders.
Surely, everyone will see now that violence is not the answer, I thought!  I am certain that for the sake of all that died that day, we will come together and unite peacefully.
Was I delusional?  
Thirteen years later… 
Nothing changed – the attacks on 9/11 happened because of hatred.
Hatred is still being imparted – it breeds everywhere; and I do mean everywhere.  
After the attacks, for a split second, I saw people helping people – I saw strangers mourning our loss with us.  For an instant, I thought I saw kindness.
Maybe that is what I focus on, when I witness a tragedy.  Perhaps I look for the good in the bad; I need to see, that no matter what, humanity will prevail.  On the other hand, I know and think everyone knows this too – we are all fragile, and that hatred emanates from fear…it is taught and it should be unlearned fast.
September 11, 2001- is a day in our history that will never be forgotten – I pray for all the souls that perished that day; I pray for peace.



3 thoughts on “9/11-Remembered”

  • God bless America always!
    May we never forget the brave souls that were on those flights fighting for their lives,
    May we never forget the brave firefighters that saved many lives and died doing so,
    May our country never forget the horrific events of that day,

  • The world has seen many a tragedy, and 9/11 is one of them. Glad that you and your loved ones were safe and sound. It is healthier, of course, to see the good in the bad, the light after the tunnel, the hope in despair, for it is the human condition to keep living, even in the midst of devastation.

    I enjoyed reading your own personal account of the events of this very sad day for America, and the world. Thank you for sharing.

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