a four-sided view on just about anything!

Category: Squaarekat – Words

One Word, At A Time….

Yesterday I was told that my aura was sad, angst and in a fetal position…I normally do not hear things like that because well; as much as I am open to many new age nuances. I am not fully immersed in that world. Yes I 

He Kissed Her!

He Kissed Her!

They looked at each other for a moment or two; she knew what he wanted, it showed.  She leaned against the wall, never taking her gaze off him.  He was talking and pacing, saying things about her, all the while getting closer; she thought she was enticing him towards her.

When She Spoke

When She Spoke

When she spoke, she didn’t speak with gracefulness or with a smooth flow of words. Her speech was always choppy and broken up.
She struggled with words, not because of an impediment of any kind but because it was so much easier for her to be silent.
Ah! Silence, a pause, a rest.   Keeping her lips resting on top of one another, her tongue resting behind her lower teeth, it was one of her favorite things to do. She didn’t need to struggle trying to get her point across, or explain herself to anyone, and lastly, she didn’t have to respond to anyone speaking to her.

The Dragon & the Dragonfly

The Dragon & the Dragonfly

The opposite of me is you.
You are a gentle giant.