a four-sided view on just about anything!

It’s Sunday And A Promise Kept

It’s Sunday And A Promise Kept


Last week was a bit rough… it was rough.
Mom has pneumonia and it is worrisome – although she was medicated, the darn antibiotics the doctor prescribed were too strong and resulted in her getting sick from them for three days in a row.  By Friday, she decided enough was enough and did not take her daily dosage. 
I spoke to her during the late morning and convinced her to call the stupid doctor to tell him about the antibiotics and ask for a different medicine.  When she called at 1:00 in the afternoon, one of the staff members told her that someone would call back, that they have an emergency in the office. 
No one called and when she finally called back after three o’clock; she was told that the doctor left for the weekend and they were not able to get in touch with him. She told this person on the other end of the phone, well Thank you, very much; I had waited all afternoon for the return call; and finally explained her situation, they apologized and told her that there is nothing they can do, and she will need to wait for Monday…..really.
While driving home I told her that she should call the pharmacist; explain what is happening, and is there something the pharmacy can do.   The Pharmacist confirmed that she made the right decision to stop the antibiotic, and that he will try to get in touch with the doctor’s office to get a different prescription. 
Somehow, in the midst of the weekend, and another sister able to get involved, someone in the office was able to prescribe a Z Pack – I am hoping this will help my mom, and praying for speedy recovery.
Another thing that occurred was a scary reminder that I’m not getting any younger, and I might need to deal with some grown- up testing.   I hate being my age….
Therefore, I don’t want to list my thankfuls this week… I’m nervous, upset, and scared.
Scared of nothing and everything – scared of things I cannot control and more importantly scared of a monster under the bed that is not there.
Yet this has happened to me before – letdowns, disappointments, deer in a headlight moment, and I turn my back to this outlet because I think, “life is not perfect and how do I continue…”
Well, I promised myself that when the messes are felt, and I am sensitive and feeling raw that I will proceed with kindness and compassion.
Consequently, here goes…
I am thankful that I can call my mom a few times a day to see how she is doing.
I am thankful that I do not live far from my parents, within 25 minutes I can be at their house.
I just spoke to my mom and she sounded much better and felt she had a good night sleep. 
Next on the list are these two items – they arrived yesterday:
My new eyeglasses
I buy my glasses online – saves at least 50 percent –  these are computer glasses, my Ophthalmologist  made out the prescription  for use on  the computer  and looking at smaller print, like Excel spreadsheets –  beauties cost me  $100.00  – not bad, an eyeglass place in my neighborhood would have cost me over  $400.00  for these- no lie.
$100.00 – for two nice eyeglasses – the company is called Firmoo and the link is on the sidebar if you need glasses.
A fun day at my cousin’s daughter’s First Holy Communion Celebration.
It was great to see some of my cousins.  It was wonderful making plans and looking forward to some future get together events.
Yes, I wore the shoes
I didn’t fall!
Posing with my girl at the party yesterday, we loved getting dressed up. I let her wear a little bit of make-up. We did the hokey pokey and chicken dance – embarrassing her? Nah, well maybe! 
A quiet morning – allowing 15 minutes to pray the Rosary – something I needed.
 I use this website it’s so peaceful and wonderful.  It leads me to  hereand I get to pray the rosary with many. 
Last one, he makes me happy….
Check out how he eats….


9 thoughts on “It’s Sunday And A Promise Kept”

  • I'm wearing Firmoo glasses right now. It is nice to be able to find affordable glasses!
    I hope your mom is feeling better soon, and that your health concerns will turn out OK.

  • Marisa, I hope things work out expediently about your own health. We get so tangled up in the exhaustion of caring for parents and caring for children, we neglect ourselves. You rock those pumps.

  • That is a great price for eyeglasses. I have been putting off getting a prescription because I know bi-focals (probably tri-focals) can be so pricey.

    I'm glad your mother had the pharmacist to advocate for her. I know in the past many doctors had nurses on staff, and while it's a sorry misuse of their skills, I think patients received better and more compassionate care in those days.

  • It is such a predicament when unexpected issues arise with medications. Do you stop, do you muddle through. So stressful!
    Here is to clean bills of health all over the place for you and yours!

    first … mother and daughter… beautiful!
    and then
    i watched darling teddy eat every bite. full screen. all 4 minutes and 17!
    how adorable IS he! i felt like i could reach out and touch that little head.
    XO♥ take care of you dear bean.

  • I need to check out this Firmoo place, definitely! Thanks for the tip.
    sorry to hear about the health issues – you are all in my prayers.

  • It's tough when experiencing side effects from a medication. Hopefully a doctor will be available to listen to the concern, unless it is a Friday and they are gone for the weekend. Guess that's what pharmacists are there for.
    I know too how being scared and overwhelmed can block thoughts of thankfulness, but glad you found some hiding underneath.

  • Marisa Hope your mom gets better soon God is in control and hear our prayers. We pray the rosary too every night I will dedicate rosary to her love the peace it brings I am reading the diary of sister Faustina Divine mercy it is amazingly good . Highly recommended it your daughter is gorgeous you look like sisters!!!! I need to get me some glasses soon I'm typing this from phone and i can hardly see I need readers hopefully there are no typos…😅

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