a four-sided view on just about anything!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday – Seven Wonderful Ordinary Days

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday –  Seven Wonderful Ordinary Days
Some weeks just are uneventful; last week was just that, first thankful goes to an ordinary week.
Last Sunday we celebrated my dad’s birthday.  We had a very nice day at my sister’s; eating lots, laughing and giggling out loud with the sisters and mom, on this occasion we all  volunteered my husband to do things with my dad – Tony your father.
As I said last week, it was a good day….
Therefore, when we said our good-byes I left them with a good feeling, expressed my thankfuls and joined the party at #1000 Voices of Compassion.
The few hours that were celebrated on Sunday were spent with my people, my tribe…I am connected to them –I think we all regained that bond, or connection.
Monday morning my spirit was feeling great, I was armored with the laughter and giggles that we shared, more importantly, I was reminded of who I am, how strong I am and that your family is your history;  good, bad, or indifferent it is what has made you who we are thus far.
Second thankful I am connected to many powerful women.
Third thankful my daughter is tenacious like the rest of us, a perfect fit.
We are dealing with her school’s recommendation to place her in another middle school that is offering her a smaller class environment.  She is trying hard, participates in class, she struggles academically; and yet she is social and comfortable with the friendships that were made in the last five years.   These peers for now are her support group, why would we take that away from her – when my husband  spoke to her about the new middle school she said – I want to go where everyone is going and I will work very hard. 
Thata girl!
We will do what we can to help her succeed and reach her potential, because she is not quite there yet, but we will not clip her wings as she blossoms and figures out all that is possible for her.  Having said all of that, we both know that her potential is limited yet we don’t know for sure of that either …we choose to let her fly and soar.  
Fourth thankful – hubby and I are in agreement regarding our children’s growth.
Fifth thankful  – my thumb is still hurting, locking, clicking  – the  thankful is  it’s not broken the sixth thankful is that so far,  I am not on any medication except an occasional  Motrin – it helps a little, but I am able to endure the pain without needing anything stronger.  I will have an orthopedic doctor look at it- I promise.
Seventh thankful – Amelia did the ESL International fashion show again – she loves to participate and looks forward to this event each year.
Sporting a Japanese Kimono
I began this post explaining how the week was uneventful. Basically it was, my kids are not in any sports at this time; although Amelia’s foot is healed, I think it’s best that we wait an entire year; plus, during her therapy time, was when a lot of the teams were having the sign ups- she wants to do Lacrosse and dance – definitely next year.   James on the other hand tried out for baseball at his school and sadly did not make the team. Both my husband and I flaked out signing him on our town team – who knew they start signing up in January (I think). 
It’s all good they have more time for school, which for now is fine for me. In addition, my week after work is not so crazy.  Yet I promise I will get my act together and I will sign them up for a sport one day …one day for sure…LOL!
Thankful nine –is getting to come home after work.
Thankful  ten-  it was an ordinary week but on Friday night we were all home getting ready for two days off….
Have a lovely week!




10 thoughts on “Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday – Seven Wonderful Ordinary Days”

  • Look at her on that runway!
    I'll be praying that the school situation sorts out in a way that is best for her.
    There is nothing wrong with taking a break from sports. Part of me would like to have a season without sports, but I don't see that happening. Ever.

  • Family is EVERYTHING, isn't it?! I miss my daughter, my parents, my sister and brother SO much, Marisa, and THANKFULLY I am off to be with them for a long holiday early May!

    Amelia is such a pretty model; she looks like a natural up there on that stage!

    Have a lovely week, my friend!


  • your family is your strength. i watched a documentary on italian americans. and they said in the documentary that Italians adjusted to new lives here better than other nationalities because they had such strong and wonderful family values and appreciation… and well… just FUN together!
    read my next post for sure! i found a wonderful young artist who was born in Russia but has been raised in the midwest. she made me think of amelia.
    i'm so glad you felt the importance of her friends and her support group is worth letting her stay but try harder. i think she might just surprise everybody. many famous and successful people have been late bloomers!
    have a wonderful week dear bean! XOXO♥ and i agree with poppy. she's a natural on that runway!!!

  • Know what I love about your ordinary week? It's full of wonderful things! Sometimes ordinary is a really good place to be. Have a great week!

  • a natural the school is a done deal what they want is not what we want – we are choosing with what we want what will be will be… its that simple we are so sad by it.

  • I loved your post I did read it and it was wonderful … Amelia draws well too -i would nothing with out my sisters that is so true.

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