a four-sided view on just about anything!

Only kind words!

Only kind words!


Friends, Love, Happiness, Tender, Nice, Beautiful, Truth, Honesty, Help, Touch, Feel, Decency, Please, Joy, Grace, Support, Non-judgmental, Delight, Give, Laugh Live, Miracle, Divine, Smile, Hug, Peace, Honor, Wonderful,  Bliss, Connected,
I remember hearing a story  of a teacher who whispered kind loving words to her students during the Sandy hook shooting – she thought that if they were going to die at least the last words they heard were kind and loving.  Only kind words!
For tonight, I leave you with this
By Carrie Underwood
The world’s so big,
It can break your heart.
And you just wanna help,
Not sure where to start.
So you close your eyes,
And send out a prayer into the dark…
I’m not a fool!


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