a four-sided view on just about anything!

S – A – T – U – R – D – A – Y… Spells My Happy Day And A Bunch of Thankfuls

S – A – T – U – R – D – A – Y… Spells  My Happy Day                                                                                                                                                                          And A Bunch of Thankfuls
It is Friday… the end of the week – aahhhhh!
I know everyone loves to say TGIF… Yay to Friday – although it is a great day – I do profess my love for Saturday.
Yes, Saturday is the best day of the week… I know I have a lot to do on Saturdays; the best part if I don’t want to do any of it I don’t have to.
If I want to, I can snuggle on the couch take a nap, read a book, crochet, watch a movie, and relax.  I do what needs to get done but the opportunity is there, and on occasion I make nothing doing happen.
My first thankful is to Saturday(s) it’s one of those days I look forward to.  
Guess what it snowed again, on Thursday into Friday… and the temperature dropped down to the teens overnight – on icy roads I arrived to work on time and more importantly safe. 


I made it home safe and sound too.
It was National Pancake day on Wednesday; therefore, we had pancakes for dinner.
My family is flexible of what I make for dinner. On the other hand, maybe they were hungry, they didn’t complain – regardless all the pancakes were eaten.
“Everything is awesome….everything is great when you are part of a team!” …. 3:30 pm and upstairs is clean, two rooms down, James‘s room and my study, not 100% organized but both rooms are dusted, vacuumed and floors mopped thanks to me, Amelia and James.   Next  I will clean the main floor….tomorrow the kids will do the basement, their playroom.  Thanks to teamwork, and my kids, they actually help me, even if they are just talking, goofing around, and laughing because of someone’s stinky feet.
James was extremely helpful with thawing out the drainpipe on the side of the house.  He was quick to gather towels to mop up a tiny leak in the living room yesterday.  The ice in the gutters started melting but was not able to drain out of the drainpipe, the water having no way to go, seeped into the living room window yesterday. That was all prevented today, because this morning James made several trips with hot water to pour over the ice blocking the drainpipe and cleared it all out for the water to go through …all is good.
Can we talk about the drop off lines at school?  Why is there always a mom in front of me, not the same one, but they all seem to be wearing the same outfit, which is pajamas, Uggs, and a silly hat.  They get out of their cars, disrupting the line and drop off process, just to kiss their kids good-by. Now me on any given day I claim, “tuck and roll, my dear– mama gotta get to work, and have fun storming the castle!”  
However, witnessing the goodbye kiss made me think, how we take each other for granted. A while ago, I started implementing the same, but we do it at home before we get in the car, it truly makes a difference to all of us to stop and appreciate one another before we leave and go our separate ways for the day.  Instead of rushing out and at drop off scream out “bye see you later, love you, and make good choices…” which I do anyway , my kids are also armed with a hug and a kiss and I am fortified with a  good start to my day!
Last thankful, I drove home last night wearing my sunglasses…meaning the days are getting longer.  
Tonight we spring ahead… it’s only a matter of days before we (me, Long Island and New York and everywhere starts to thaw out!)
What are you thankful for this week; I am buried in 10 feet of snow, there are Icicles outside my window, I miss Bob the pool… but I am hopeful my dears.  No excuses! 


17 thoughts on “S – A – T – U – R – D – A – Y… Spells My Happy Day And A Bunch of Thankfuls”

  • Hoo-RAY for days getting longer. I am LOVING the extra light. Truly.

    Glad you've been safe, even in the snow. You're dealing with a LOT of it!

    The pancakes look delicious. Glad that your family enjoyed them.

  • It's the little things like needing your sunglasses, huh? We got that nasty snowstorm, too, but today it looks like SPRING! I don't need my heavy coat! The sun is shining! The snow is melting!
    That teamwork song has been in my head recently, too, and I haven't even ever seen the movie. Pop culture permeates.
    I had a meeting on National Pancake Day so my husband took my son to IHOP for a free short stack. Fun times for them!

  • I'm certainly looking forward to the big thaw. I think it is starting today. Your snowy road look almost exactly like my snowy road this week. Pancakes for dinner. Sounds wonderful.

  • Glad you were safe on the roads. We have shared a lot of our typical snowfall with the East this year – are Montana is currently in the middle of warm days and thaw -but there will surely be at least a few more snowfalls before winter walks away. Your morning farewell rituals sound just perfect.

  • Snow is so pretty when it's falling. Then it needs to go away. I think we're in the clear and will have spring. At least, I hope so.
    My kids won't eat breakfast for supper. We did it when I was a kid occasionally, but mine can't get their head around the concept. We did have applesauce pancakes for breakfast that morning, even though I didn't know it was national pancake day. Maybe my daughter did and that's why she requested them?
    I could write an entire post about the drop off line at school. I've done it in my head several times. The ones that get me are the kids that lean back into the car after they have gotten out and have some long conversation with mom. YOU HAD THE ENTIRE TRIP TO SCHOOL TO HASH THIS OUT, PEOPLE! MOVE IT! I try to get my daughter to jump out while I'm still rolling, and she very nearly does (I swear I don't push her).
    Come on, Spring!

  • I particularly love Friday nights…after school and work, the whole weekend ahead…aaaahhhh!
    I'm with Dyanne. Snow looks nice on the ground from the inside…but then it must disappear. I'm ready for all of this to wash away!
    The drop off line at school is new for me this year – it's previously been my husband's job. I could right a book. Hilarious.
    Have a great week!

  • Thank you the pancakes were yummy. Looks like its all melting; hoping the snow will be gone by Easter It is nerve racking driving in the mess but so far so good.

  • heading home with the sun setting was truly wonderful for months when i left the office at 5:30 I would only have the moon accompany me at home – and i would whisper "i'm being followed by a moon shadow…" here is to spring soon – James read my post and told me I got the words wrong to that song — really James – IHOP is the best.

  • it is starting to melt – yay – I also love it when it is snowing – it is so pretty but the best part is the silence – after that it needs to go away. pancakes were yummy!

  • Safe travels is what I pray for for everyone I know in a split second things can get nasty really fast – the morning ritual is awesome and puts us all in a good and happy start.

  • I love the snow fall but i love most about it is the quietness during it – Dyanne for years they our kids protested about breakfast for dinner too – last year we went to IHOP for dinner and they had breakfast too so I thought it was okay – when i was making the pancakes that night you had to see that looks that Amelia was giving me LOL please write about the drop off lines I need a laugh!

  • i'm agree with you about Friday nights too, but only when we are all home – i like to keep it low key dinner with the family at home then a family movie or something like that. 🙂

  • ohmygosh!
    that little voice on my last post.
    i've been checking mangia… but NOT square kat!!!
    so i had to catch up.
    i hate to tell you this but i kinda want to try the kool aid on my hair now! LOL. a light pink i think.
    i'm glad you're feeling better.
    this winter WILL end. it will! it has to for ALL of you there.
    i love your family marisa. it's the epitome of what's most important. a warm loving simple home. xoxo♥
    and laughed right out loud at the mothers in their hats pajamas and uggs. LOLOL.

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