a four-sided view on just about anything!

Ten Things of Thankful – First Rule No One Gets Hurt…

Ten Things of Thankful –  First Rule No One Gets Hurt…
Ten Things of Thankful
First Rule No One Gets Hurt…
We are nearing the end of our vacation- ahem; our staycation – because I refuse to say that last night’s visit to the ER was the end to our vacation – we have three more days and hope that we can enjoy the rest of the days – safely.
Let me begin with what is weighing heavy on my mind this morning, because I really have no idea how to find the silver-linings.  It’s there, but I need to weed through the sadness to find it.
Yesterday afternoon while our good, longtime friends, Rosie (my soul sister) Lenny, and their daughter (our Goddaughter) visited us;  my  son fell off the swing (he was climbing on it – why, I don’t know) and landed on top of my daughter ; long story short  the X-ray’ s concluded that 4 of her metatarsal bones, broke badly.   I am heartbroken over this because this will be a long process to heal, I don’t want to see my children suffer, and so on, and so on…. 
Before I start to bawl again – let me begin with – Amelia is one tough cookie, so my First Thankfulis that on impact she cried, and cried and screamed which indicated she needed medical attention and quickly my husband took her to a First Alert place, because it had an X-Ray machine. There he was told the foot was broken and she needs to go to the ER.
When they came home, we quickly made lunch so the kids can eat; I was not able to eat a thing yet both James and Amelia ate while her foot was elevated and on ice. Hubby, Rosie, Lenny, and Maria also had lunch, our friends knew how worried we were so without any fuss we quickly prepared a late lunch, ate quickly, then we all said our good-byes, we went to the ER while they went to the Airport to pick up their son Nikolis (Aka the Kid).  
The plan was that they visit with us for the afternoon, and then they would leave at five o’clock to get to the airport for their son’s arrival from Italy.  I was thankful it worked out, with our company – which leads to my Second Thankful – thank you to our friends for making us feel that Amelia will be okay – we have known each other for over twenty years – thank you so much for being there for us.
Once we were at the hospital, we were somewhat confused and most likely misguided by the First Alert Facility; who suggested with great conviction that once we are at the hospital we should request an orthopedic doctor to see the foot.  Yet the doctor on call suggested or actually mentioned that the chief of staff of podiatry will see Amelia, shortly.  
We both immediately said should an orthopedic specialist should see our daughter.  The doctor patiently told us that the hospital luckily has a podiatry department, and  with foot injuries that is who they usually call, while other hospitals that do not have a podiatry staff, call for an orthopedic doctor – she assured us this is the doctor that should see your daughter.  
Third Thankful is that, I am thankful that our hospital has a podiatry department; the chief of staff of podiatry was able to see her and take a course of action to heal her. Let’s hope I feel the same in a week.  For now because of swelling, he wants to wait until Thursday to see her again and will then determine how the pins will be placed.  Uugh!
So where do I go from here, I guess I can say we had a nice week off, with many highs and some lows. On Tuesday Amelia was hit in the mouth with a rock and chipped her tooth, actually, it was the bonding from a chipped tooth that occurred three years ago, so my  Fourth Thankful is that the dentist was able to fix it that day – ( poor Amelia not her week.)
With tooth fixed, we were back to vacation mode and were able to visit our beach every single day we were off – we all got some color and we became crafty at the beach coloring rocks and shells thanks to Lizzi who gave me the idea, Amelia and her friend loved doing it. 
Each morning I made a special breakfast for everyone, I am thankful that I am able to feed my family.
The weather was gorgeous all week and it continues to be lovely.
Aunt Silvana and Uncle Mark came to visit Amelia while in the ER, that made her night, and helped relieve some of the pain she endured.
I think a lesson is learned when I say no climbing someone will get hurt, I think he gets it now.  I hope he does.
I am not myself today,  I apologize  –  I’m not used to stuff like this and I am worried – if  it happened to  me it would have been a very different list,  but because it is my daughter that is dealing with a  broken foot  well  I am besides myself. 
One more Thank You goes to all my friends and family for all your kind wishes – neighbor friends on the block; Amelia loved the bouquet of flowers left on our door step – you all rock!
Remember, first rule, no one gets hurt.  


21 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful – First Rule No One Gets Hurt…”

  • Ohhh poor Amelia – it really isn't her week 🙁 Still, on the up-side (such as it is) it sounds as though she's getting very thorough and appropriate treatment from a specialist, so thank goodness for that.

    Better if it hadn't happened though, for sure.

    THAT SAID – there are still thankfuls here, and you're hanging on in there, and I suspect you'll continue to do so for Amelia's sake – I'm led to believe that's mostly how it works. I hope you manage to enjoy the rest of your time with NO FURTHER INJURIES!

    And I totally LOVE the rocks. Thanks for all the photos. That brought me a wonderful moment of joy in my week 🙂

  • Oh, that poor Amelia! It REALLY wasn't her week! She will heal quickly; young bones are amazing. Give her lots of food with calcium in it while she's healing. Will she have to wear a boot or a cast? And at least she waited until close to the end of the staycation to get hurt! I'm sure your son has learned that mom knows best, at least in the case of climbing on the swingset. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, spoil Amelia a little, and relax – it will all be okay!

  • Understatement re Amelia's week… yet if she is finding silver linings far be it for me to be uptight… best with the next appointment for her foot… wow … how fortunate to have a podiatry dept… that is a rarity! Best to you all and I totally get the kid vs yourself worries… no worries about that!

  • Oh my goodness, Marisa!! I'm so glad that everything got taken care of properly, in the end. Poor Amelia; she's such a good sport, that pretty girl of yours! Yes, you have a lot to be thankful for, and you recognize this, but I must say, I would be feeling exactly like you, as seeing a child in pain or confused or scared just breaks my heart! May she be better soon! Have a wonderful week, my friend!


  • Oh my heavens! Poor Amelia. And in a different way, poor you. It is so hard to see a child in pain. Last year alone my kids had broken fingers, toes, a foot, and a thumb both broken and off alignment. (That one was the worst by far.) I'll be praying for your daughter and the medical staff.
    I'm glad you all did get to enjoy the beach so much this week.
    My favorite part of summer is my chance to actually make real breakfasts every single day instead of the occasional one.

  • Thank you for your kind words – we are OK for now and will see the doctor on Thursday to follow up and hopefully all will be good once her foot is set and in a cast. We are all amazed at her bravery…(she wants to go to school tomorrow) thank you again.

  • Dyanne she is getting spoiled and loving it; as for James he is her personal "get me" boy…(he feels awful) thanks for the suggestion to feed her calcium rich foods. Yes she will be in a cast and boot. hoping and praying it all goes well.

  • Understatement for sure – she has been through way too much and I pray and hope it will be behind her soon. but like I said she is a tough cookie… Thank you

  • Believe it or not all in all we had a nice week off, they all loved the breakfasts and had a great time at the beach…I am worried about when they put the pins in the foot and hopefully she will be okay with the surgery. hey we are parents and worry – thank you for the prayers 🙂

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