a four-sided view on just about anything!

A post is conceived

A post is conceived
I started blogging because I wanted to write; I know everyone says that, but it is true.
I think for me, even though I started blogging almost two years ago …because I posted occasionally back then, I still consider myself as a newbie. 
Having said all of that,  I want to mention that prior to me hitting the publish button for the first time with an actual post,  I had my blogs up for a  few months – designing my blogs I was choosing colors, picking a template, deciding what fonts  I should use, and experimenting by adding different gadgets . 
Learning what I can learn.
So what are 10 things I love about blogging?
Love is such a strong word. Nevertheless, the truth is, yes at first I was struck head over heels, my mouth drooled picking out fonts, my fingers trembled when I wrote the name SquaareKat for the first time and I believe I saw stars when I  first wrote its description, “A four-sided view on just about anything!”
Yes, I fell in love, but the love grew because blogging and I shared a common ground, which is, I love to write – and blog wants my words.  As all relationships go, it needs to start on a solid foundation – words, writing and communicating is that base.
Once all the newness faded, a commitment was established – I love that I am committed to my blogs, regardless of all the hard work that goes into a post.  Being committed to something I create is special.
The little surprises amaze me daily – one surprise is the blogging community – I love the support, the camaraderie that occurs within the blogging world. I love all the kind words, and that help is easy to find.
I love that friendships develop on this forum. These are blind friendships; an alliance without voices, scents, or touches, but a bond nevertheless because of a story, a saying, or a talent that was discovered.
Blogging becomes inspiring, when you surround yourself among gifted writers.
Lastly, I am enamored with the power of words – as I write I watch the words appear on the screen and how it becomes something more than it was planned to be.  A post is conceived.


1 thought on “A post is conceived”

  • I have so enjoyed getting to know you through your always heartfelt words and warm and loving photos of your family and friends and delicious adventures in your kitchen. Keep cooking up a storm, Marisa, both in your kitchen and on your amazing blogs!


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