a four-sided view on just about anything!

Ten of So Many

Ten of So Many
Each day I wake up at 5 am to post on one my blog.  I also brainstorm or research something pertaining to my blogs.
I am always pressed for time, because I hate to stop writing, it is so peaceful that time of the morning.
I leave the house frazzled because I make sure that everything that needs to be done is done, kids dressed, ready to go, dogs walked, fed and settled.
I love to listen to music when I drive to work, and on my drive back home.
Today I sang Mona Lisas & Mad Hatters by Elton John, while it played on the radio.
Mona Lisas & Madhatters by Elton John and Bernie Taupin
At traffic lights on the drive to work, I am always applying make- up; eyeliner, lip-gloss, and blush.
I always say some sort of a prayer to myself at least once during the day.
I enjoy a cup of espresso in the afternoon around 3 pm.
When I pull into my driveway, I let out a sigh…because I’m home.
We always sit at the table to eat dinner together and talk with each other.



1 thought on “Ten of So Many”

  • Marisa, your days sound very satisfying and fun, especially when you are with your family, I am sure. I can relate with regards to feeling peaceful in the mornings, when the house is quiet and the light is just starting to softly tiptoe into the room where I might be reading the words of my fellow bloggers, and feeling like I am surrounded by good friends.

    Have a lovely weekend!


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