a four-sided view on just about anything!

Ten Things of Thankful – Disguised By A Better Offer; Not Procrastination

Ten Things of Thankful – Disguised By A Better Offer; Not Procrastination
I think it’s interesting that as soon as I insert the Ten Things of Thankful badge on top I start to type.
I had this list done on Friday; worked on it at lunch at my desk, on a rectangular piece of scrap paper, from a pile of scrap paper that I have saved every week for the last 3 and ½ years from the weekly check run. 
These scraps come from the bottom portion of the checks that need to be torn off so that the checks fit into the envelopes; I don’t have the heart to throw away a perfectly good piece of paper.  Besides, they have served me well with daily to do lists at the job, random writing that needs to be written, a shopping list, a menu for a get together, reminders, and now added to the list, are my thankfuls.
The list on the scrap of paper – the black smudge is permanent marker on the back darkening my company’s logo.
My plan was, as soon as I got home I would type it out, post it, and be done with it on Friday night.
Obviously that didn’t happen because it was more appealing to hang with the family; have dinner, watch a movie (not sure if we did watch a movie or if we just watched what was on the DVR.)
So with the list finished why didn’t I post yesterday?  Because it was raining, and Amelia and I once again hung out together; for lunch we ate a croissant each and sipped pumpkin spice latte while watching the movie called Monster-In-Law.  I did some cleaning and laundry too. It was the perfect rainy day relaxing, and for dinner, we ordered Chinese.
It’s a better offer, not procrastination!
Therefore, here it goes as written on Friday:
The week is finally over, its Friday – it was a long productive week at my job, we are working on month end and year-end too.  The days were busy and fast too. 
I’m thankful for a busy day.  
With every 9th hour comes the tenth hour because that is when I am home.
I am thankful at the end of the workday I go home – Ahhhh!
“Those who dance are considered insane, by those who cannot hear the music.”
George Carlin- Goodreads Quotes
Can I get that quote on a bumper sticker so everyone knows what I am doing when I’m driving?  J
I am thankful for my wonderful radio station WFUV – http://www.wfuv.org/   it’s a public radio station from Fordham University, member supported, and can be streamed live on the computer – when I was in Russia for a month I was able to hear the afternoon/evening program while we were starting our day. I loved the songs that were played during the drive to and from work last week; it was quite enjoyable.
It’s only words …and words I only have- I am thankful in participating in October’s NaBloPoMo for Blogher and thankful that I was able to bang out 6 nice posts.  I plan to write everyday from Monday through Friday for both Mangia, Mangia…No Talk and SquaareKat. So, it’s not a 31 day challenge for me (I would not be able to add Saturday and Sunday at all), it will be more like a 23 day challenge times 2, and add 5 for the TTOT that will total to 51 posts by the end of the month combined.
I’m thankfulI can add, multiply, and subtract, it has served me well LOL.
We ate in every night last week – I’m thankful we were able to do so and save some bucks.
Cupcakes- Yes I am thankful for the cupcakes –  


However, more importantly I am thankful that my kids and hubby were enthusiastic in creating them – did you see them, they are done by freehand.  
I’m thankfulthat I added two new gadgets on MMNT blog spot. They are 
“My weekly shopping list” and “What’s for Dinner” These are my actual shopping list for the week, and also what are our dinners for the week. You can find it underneath all my posts – I think adding these two gadgets tie in my blog very nicely if I do say so myself.
Go check it out, they make the blog look pretty. LOL!
Can I say that I am thankful that the premiere of Homeland starts tonight on 
Showtime – doesn’t that sound shallow? 
I guess I am actually thankful that I have cable and a television too.
That is it – Thank you – It took me 48 hours to do this list.


9 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful – Disguised By A Better Offer; Not Procrastination”

  • It's definitely not procrastination when you have a better offer!! And YAY for cupcakes, for coming home after work, for saving some bucks eating in and for cupcakes because cupcakes! Also, I cannot WAIT for Homeland to start. That last episode? OMG…

  • The TToT is a good thing. Time spent with family is a better thing. It looks like you had a better week–and still found time to have a good week, too! 🙂

  • FRIST?
    I love NPR. I especially love it in bigger cities, because they can afford much better programming and don't have to resort to classical music during the day.
    I need to remember "it's a better offer, not procrastination." I get better offers CONSTANTLY, apparently!
    Looks like your little team of bakers had a great time with the cupcakes!

  • You did brilliantly, your better offer sounds AWESOME, and you have B-E-A-UTIFUL handwriting 🙂

    DON'T TELL ME ABOUT HOMELAND! I don't know how long we'll have to wait to get it over here!

  • Yay I got a FRIST – This week that radio station is passing its hat so the music is really good stuff today is John Lennon's B DAY and alot of covers and songs from him too. Better offers are awesome.

  • Thank you Thank you I cannot take credit for my handwriting I was taught by nuns and it was sacrilegious if there wasn't a good stroke – its so sad that its becoming obsolete. I wish I can record Homeland for you.

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