a four-sided view on just about anything!

Ten Things of Thankful – Fill Me Up –

Ten Things of Thankful – Fill Me Up –


“Anne reveled in the world of color about her.

“Oh, Marilla,” she exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn’t it? Look at these maple branches. Don’t they give you a thrill–several thrills?”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

I need to read this book to Amelia – but I need to do it in a way that it will influence her, and give her enthusiasm to read more.  I want to show her how I read, which is with pencils, highlighters, even my phone to take pictures of the page. I’m not sure if she ever noticed that I do that, I love all the wonderful quotes in this book, but more importantly, I love all wonderful quotes- I wonder if she would see the fun in it. I hope so.
It is Sunday, and  I cannot believe in less than 24 little hours I will be back at my desk working on not only months’ end but our year end fiscal  – So my first and second thankfuls are I survived the preview mid-term review; not only did I survive it I also did well.
Our third thankful was that Amelia did well with the follow-up visit to the doctor- I am including this because three or 4 days before her doctor’s visit little Miss-I want to get away, fell – she landed on the floor on her tuckus with her leg sticking out and landing on the heel of her foot. We were told to make sure that she does not step on her foot – because the pins can shift, causing severe pain and perhaps damage; she was not in pain, which meant that this time she got lucky. The X-rays confirmed all was well.  Whew!
The fourth thankful was that I was a social butterfly last Wednesday night (yes on a school night- I am such a rebel) I went to a local pub to say good-bye to a school mom that is leaving the state. I saw other women that I know because our kids go to the same school; it was fun catching up over my fifth thankful Pumpkin Spice Ale- yum!
We all know that Amelia is not attending school right now – her teachers do come during the day to go over the days lessons – but an adult needs to be with her too, so many people are volunteering to be with her, so far I only needed to recruit Mimi my sister’s mother-in-law, and hubby was also available.  The sixth thankful goes to everyone that generously said to me “Hey, don’t hesitate to ask if you need me.”
My mom is feeling better – she had a nasty cold, needed to be on antibiotics so my seventh thankful is that each day she is getting better.  My eighth thankful is that she came over on Wednesday to sit with Amelia- she brought food with her: beans to mix with pasta and pizza dough.  When I came home on Wednesday 2 pizzas were rolled out onto two baking trays all I had to do was put them in the oven – they were delicious – J
Laurie invited me to go see Shawn Colvin and Steve Earle, last night – what a nice evening – almost did not get to see them, because we went to the wrong venue. We became giggling girls while we made our way to the right place.  That didn’t stop when we got there either,  in the parking lot I was not able to get out of her car so I had to climb over the hump – (some people do not know how to park even with lines guiding them) so my ninth thankful is to my friend Laurie for the giggles and the concert.
Sushi for dinner makes my tenth thankful!  
What were you thankful for last week?
Psst, sorry about the font – I think blogger is broken- I can’t waste another moment trying to fix it – aargh!

11 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful – Fill Me Up –”

  • Homemade pizza, sushi, and people's health getting BETTER! Ouf! Good things here.

    And well done on your work review going so well. That's always a relief 🙂

  • Oh my heavens, I'm so glad the fall didn't do any damage. I'd be tempted to bubble wrap her.

    The teachers come by your house? That is awesome. What a great support system you have. So many people coming to your family's aid.

    Glad you were able to get out and have some fun this week. We all need that sometimes!

  • Okay, what Christine said, since it was everything I was planning to say, only done better 🙂
    I will add that I have a 3 year old boy in my primary class who broke his leg and is in a hard cast that goes from his toes to mid-way up his thigh, and there is no holding this kid down. At first, he didn't try to move around, but he progressed to scooting on his bottom to standing to flat out running on his cast. His parents have said not to worry about keeping him from walking, as they can't do it, either. If it was painful to him, he wouldn't walk on it. Most likely, however, he will have to wear the cast longer than the 3 weeks originally planned because of his activity.

  • i have just enjoyed catching up with all the posts i've missed here at squarekat!

    oh my goodness marisa. so much happened to you! and beloved amelia!
    the fears and smiles and bravery . . . and the children are so beautiful . . . growing so fast now.
    the poem by james ~ incredible! and the family and friend reunions and shared times.
    i'm glad amelia is doing so well from her surgery and the accident. boys are just adventurous like that.

    it's always 'you' that i worry about. you're this hardy small person with a special light inside . . .
    like the little guy in the refridgerator! you are seemingly inexhaustible . . . but truth is . . . please REST as much as you can . . . thank god for nick. he probably knows that about you too! you are the trooper.
    i loved your wedding picture!!! and that whole post . . . wonderful!
    much love and a huge snoopy hug dear heart. XOXO♥

  • Christine that fall scared me and made me angry…all because she was not getting her way so she turned to walk away a bit rough and fast – arrgh!

    I think its the law or something like that – not sure but yup she is eligible for teacher visits they only stay for about an hour but that hour is jam-pact one on one….

    It was nice to go out – I definitely can use another girls night out with my besties – soon:)

  • Omg the must of been painful to watch that boy …. Amelia is almost 12 and yes that night was acting like a 2 year morphed teenager. but we got through it. 🙂

  • Thank you Miss Tammy I hope you are feeling better and always think of you – rest assured I know that I work hard… but I also play hard too and sleep well that's another story – in bed late early riser but that's always how I was thank you for the snoopy hug i send one back to you. XOXO 🙂

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